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Physics Study Program, Fmipa, Tanjungpura University Conducts Community Service Activities For High School Teachers And Students In West Kalimantan

Physics Study Program, FMIPA Untan held a Community Service Activity on Saturday, May 11, 2024 at the Joint Lecture Building A Untan. The activity started at 08.00 to 12.00 WIB. Dr. Bintoro Siswo Nugroho, who represented the Dean of FMIPA Untan, said that the Community Service Activity is one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely community service. The Community Service Activity aims to introduce several case-based learning that can be applied by teachers in the teaching and learning process in class to students. This activity is expected to be useful for teachers and students in the learning process in order to improve understanding of physics concepts and their applications.

The partner of the FMIPA Untan Community Service Activity is the West Kalimantan Physics Subject Teachers' Conference (MGMP). This activity was attended by several high schools in West Kalimantan Province. Participants who attended the Community Service Activity were 24 people consisting of teachers and students.

Mr. Sauji, S.T. as the Head of the West Kalimantan Physics MGMP said that this activity is very important because cooperation between lecturers and teachers is very important in building the next generation of the nation. In addition to giving a welcoming speech, Mr. Sauji, S.T. officially opened this PkM activity. The delivery of PkM material regarding case-based learning was carried out by Mr. Hasanuddin, Ph.D. Teachers and students were very enthusiastic to learn the material presented. This was shown in the question and answer session discussing the topic. At the end of the activity, an evaluation was carried out on the implementation of this activity.