To maintain and improve the institution's quality, the Physics Study Program of Tanjungpura University again carried out the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) in 2024. This activity occurred on Wednesday, 13 November 2024, in the Senate Room of FMIPA UNTAN.
This audit aims to evaluate the level of conformity of the implementation of academic and non-academic activities to the established quality standards. In addition to being a preventive measure to reduce the risk of non-achievement of standards or a decline in quality, this audit is also an essential foothold in strategic planning for the sustainable development of the Physics Study Program.
During the audit process, the auditor team examined various aspects, ranging from academic management and student services to the activities' implementation according to the study program's vision and mission. The results of this audit will be an essential reference for improvement and innovation in the future, in line with the spirit of the Physics Study Program to continue to adapt and provide the best for students and the community.
With a spirit of openness and collaboration, the Physics Study Program of UNTAN is committed to maintaining superior quality standards, proving its dedication to producing competent graduates ready to compete globally