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Educational Visit Of Smait Al Mumtaz To The Physics Laboratory Of Tanjungpura University

The Physics Study Program received a special visit from SMA IT Al Mumtaz students on Wednesday, 25 September 2024. This visit was held as part of a scientific exploration activity at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University, aimed at introducing students to scientific concepts and providing direct experience in using frequently used laboratory equipment.

During this visit, the Physics Study Program team warmly welcomed the students of SMA IT Al Mumtaz. The participants were introduced to the various types of laboratory telescopes, namely refractor and reflector telescopes. These two types of telescopes are the leading equipment for observing celestial objects. SMA IT Al Mumtaz students were given a complete explanation of the differences, advantages, and how each type of telescope works. The Physics Study Program Team also demonstrated observations of surrounding objects to provide a direct understanding of the astronomical observation process.

Unfortunately, that day's weather was less favorable because it was raining, so observations of celestial objects such as stars, planets, or the moon could not be carried out. However, the Physics Study Program team still tries to provide valuable experiences by utilizing nearby objects and explaining basic astronomical concepts interactively so that students still feel the great benefits of this visit. Through this visit, the Physics Study Program hopes to inspire the younger generation to foster curiosity in physics and astronomy, open up insights about the wider world, and foster interest in scientific research.

We look forward to future opportunities to establish further collaborations and welcome students interested in the world of physics.

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